as2 According buttons for my animation

dear all ,

i am using as2 video gallery, my question is i need to move 3 menus buttons on left hand side

when click the “coming soon” button , it will go top and "featured " button go bottom , like this vis vesa

this is as2 code near the button

public function createNavList() {
        var cur = this;
        var i, temp, base = navList.base;
        for (i in dataNav) {
            temp = base.attachMovie("cListNavListItem", Number(i)+1, Number(i)+1, {data:dataNav*});
            if(i==0) temp._y = 0;
            if(i==1) temp._y = 285;
            if(i==2) temp._y = 316;           
            temp.onRelease = function() {
                if (!this.checked) {
                    _config.curNav = Number(this._name)-1;

this is my test link >

please i am confusing ? thanks