Hey all,
I’m making a site for an important project, and attached this Actionscript to a button (movieclip, acts like a button) :
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1);
on (release) {
if (nav = "0") {
nav == "1"
} else {
nav == "0"
if (nav = "0") {
this._parent._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay ("menu", 1);
} else {
this._parent._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay ("menu", 15);
The button is inside in this order:
Scene1 (Root) Contains the menu_thing, instance name of ‘menu’
Menu thing (where a transition occurs)
Menu (has the buttons, containing the above actionscript)
I needed to do it like this because i am going to have it so when the user clicks the button, the menu bar motion tweens across the page to the left, and have the selected button loadMovie into the right screen… then if they select another button it slides across to the opposite side and so forth… am i making this harder than it needs to be?
As in, should i just make it so if they press menu it goes to the left side if not already there, and contact means the right hand side (there are 4 buttons in total)
But alas, it simply doesn’t work, can anyone help? Also, menu etc are all movie clips.
Thanks in advance for any help, if at all possible