I have been searching for a good SIMPLY explained step by step tutorial on how to create a masked vertical autoscrolling news reader that makes external text (read from a txt file) appear at the bottom, disappears at the top, leaves it blank for a second, then loop the external text again.
Now I know that you have to create a movieclip where the top layer is masked, the second layer contains the dynamic text box and the third layer (well, if I wanted) to draw some sort of boundary to know how wide and tall I want this thing. That’s as far as I got!
Trouble is I’ve been coming across people saying that I have to include some AS2 functions like “autoSize” which apparently resizes the dynamic text box to fit the size of the external text in, and also something called “maxScroll” to do… something… I know that you have to set up a variable to control the speed of which the text is moving up the screen inside the movieclip… but as I say, I’m stumped.
I mean, this is the thing, I’ve spent HOURS trying to find a good tutorial, but they’re not very well explained. They don’t even explain why you have to use such terms like “setInterval” and stuff.
Could someone please provide a siimplified step by step guide on how to make an autoscrolling text/news vertical reader thing and explain the actionscript behind it?