[AS2 CS3] need help for catalog datagrid combobox xml

Thx for read this. :geek:
I want to use a combobox in a datagrid for a catalog. I used combobox cellrender (several example philflash or flash db or adobelive), i don’t have problem when the data are in the cellrender class like additem{data:…, label:…}. Now i want the data came from a xml file, and after several tests, i was unable to solve my problem.
I have doubts about my xml file (But not only on my xml file…) :

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<details reference=“fix001”>
<File id=“1” valeur=“39”/>
<File id=“2” valeur=“40”/>
<File id=“3” valeur=“41”/>
<details reference=“fix002”>
<File id=“1” valeur=“39”/>
<File id=“2” valeur=“40”/>
<File id=“3” valeur=“41”/>

I know that the cell render is much sought when using datagrid. I tried to change the set value function in the cellrender class. i can’t find the way to call the xml and nothing happen. i’m little bit lost after all this.
i need this for complet my work : www.tiptopsnowboard.com (in french)
It is to be able to choose various sizes in connection with the stock at the store, like shoes stuff or clothes…
if someone have a idea or examples … u welcome.
I need to solve this before winter … sooooooooon. thank you anyway !