I have put together a drag and drop, and everything works wonderfully! When a mc is placed correctly, i have a description pop up. What I would like to have is the same blurb pop up again if the user decides they want to see it again. I am still getting the hang of actionscripting, so i know that this is possible, i just don’t know the syntax to make it happen.
this is what i have so far:
mangrove_mc.onPress = function() {
reply_txt.text = "";
//this next line brings the selected object to the top
mangrove_mc.onRelease = function() {
if (eval(this._droptarget) == mangroveTarget_mc) {
reply_txt.text = "Yes, that's correct!";
//this next line makes the object unmoveable after it has been placed in the right place.
this.enabled = false;
} else {
reply_txt.text = "No, keep trying!";
I think it would be best to make the mc clickable when its unmoveable, and have the reply_txt show again on click (or on on hoverover or something).
Thanks in advance!