[AS2] FullScreen flash... problem with movieClip position


I’m currently programming a site available to see at:


The problem i have is that when I load in external .swf files which are bigger than the main centered movieClip (centeredContent_mc)… if you resize the browser it will bump the center section to a new position because it’s size has changed. You can see this in the “Take a tour” section.

This is the code im using:

[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
Stage.align = “TL”;

var stageListener: Object = new Object();

stageListener.onResize = positionContent;


function positionContent():Void {
mcLogo._x = Stage.width/2 - mcLogo._width/2;
mcLogo._y = Stage.height/2 - mcLogo._height/2;

if ( Stage.height/Stage.width > background_mc._height / background_mc._width )
    var ratio = background_mc._width/background_mc._height;
    if ( Stage.height > 400 )
        background_mc._height = Stage.height;
        background_mc._width = Stage.height*ratio;
    var ratio = background_mc._height/background_mc._width;

    if ( Stage.width > 400 )
        background_mc._width = Stage.width;
        background_mc._height = Stage.width*ratio;



[COLOR=Black]My question is: Is there any way to specify the new movieClip and keep if from changing the size of the mc it’s being loaded into?

I would GREATLY appreciate any comments!!!