MovieClip.prototype.easeX = function( to:Number , speed:Number , endF:Function , endO , endP:Array ){
var _this:MovieClip = this;
var aux:MovieClip = _this.createEmptyMovieClip( "easeX_aux" , 1223 );
var previousPosition:Number = this._x;
if( isNaN(speed) || speed == undefined || speed == '' || speed <= 1 ) speed = 1.2;
if( _this._x != to ){
aux.onEnterFrame = function(){
_this._x = to - ( to - _this._x ) / speed;
if( _this._x == previousPosition ){
_this._x = to;
if (endF) {
endF.apply(endO, endP);
previousPosition = _this._x;
} else {
if (endF) {
endF.apply(endO, endP);
#include "proto.as"
function eventOver():Void {
myClip_mc.easeX( frame_mc._x + 230, otherFunction());
otherFunction = function() {
otherFunction() runs as soon as the mouse over happens and not after the ease finishes as I would like it to.