Ease problem

Came across Voets awesome ease prototype and I was just playing around with it to see how it works and I notice something strange…

here is the prototype for reference:

MovieClip.prototype.ease = function(x,y){
        this.onEnterFrame = function(){
                this._x = x-(x-this._x)/1.1;
                this._y = y-(y-this._y)/1.1;
                if(this._x > x-1 && this._x < x+1 && this._y > y-1 && this._y < y+1){
                        this._x = x;
                        this._y = y;
                        delete this.onEnterFrame
                        //do other stuff here, this is the point at which the object reaches its target

Now… I have 1 movie clip on the stage with this code in it’s actions:

onClipEvent (load) {

oneX and oneY are defined on the main stage… the problem is when I place the movie clip anywhere towards the bottom right it just jumps to it’s place but if I place the movie clip anwhere else it does what it’s supposed to do and ease into place… :puzzle:

attached are two examples. Example 1 shows the movie clip that just jumps right into place because it’s placed on the lower right. Example 2 is placed towards the top and it works perfect.

So is my setup wrong or is it something to do with the prototype? I am a noob when it comes to this stuff. Help.