AS2 help please!

I am working on a flash, that has rollovers. It is working, there are 12 texts areas that are named l1-l12, the pictures that correspond to these are named 1-12. the first l1-l9 work and show the correct pictures, however when I get to l10, nothing shows up, when I get to l11 it shows what l1 shows, and l12 it shows what l2 shows.

I have another flash that I worked on with the same coding and similar rollovers that works perfectly fine, it has 8 texts areas named l1-l8 and pictures named 1-8, this works fine.

for some reason on the first one that I am talking about seems to not recognize double digits and cancels out the first number. so instead of reading l11, during the swf playback it is reading l1.

does anyone know how i can fix this so that during the playback it shows the correct images?