Ok, I got this engine I’m designing:
I want to make it open source for everyone that wants to make a scene creator. They can use whatever parts they want and change whatever they want. I think this is a really good idea but I ran into a few problems. Here are a list of the problems I ran into or need help figuring out:
- How do I get the depths to work fully?
- Can I get the depths to work between different duplicated MC’s?
- Is there a way to group multiple MC’s with a scroll bar or something considering the code I’m using?
- Is there a better way to write the code so that I don’t have to have fixed dimensions?
- How can I, after I hold the adjacent key, make it shift continuously as I click and hold the mouse down, instead of having to keep clicking? That way, alpha for example, I can hold the Z key and click the mouse down on the dup. MC I want and it would keep shifting. Also, how could get it rotate slow at first but then get faster?
- Is there a way I could setup the stage so that when the Print button is pressed, it clears the clutter around it or maybe the part it prints is a certain part of the stage?
- How would I go about adding a punk-o-matic like save feature so users can share?
- After awhile the delete button stops working, how would I fix that?
- Would there be a way to make a key stroke that restores the MC to it’s original state?
- Is there a way to erase everything on the board so you could start afresh using key?
- How would I fix the random button so that it doesn’t screw with everything?
- Is there a way cycle between tints? This could split up into red, blue, and green and have it start at the beginning of the RGB for that color, then cycle thru as you hold the mouse.
- Also, is there a way to use the 1 thru 0 keys to change the pattern, like turn it into camo or khaki?
- Is there a way to set up a key to adjust brightness?
Any help, please, would be awesome. Tutorials, suggestions, code snippets, questions, comments, concerns, links, etc. I need all the help I can get, even it’s just one answer
Here is my AS so far since I don’t know how to use google code:
thing.onPress = function() {
thing2.onPress = function() {
thing3.onPress = function() {
funcName(triangle,"triangle","triangle 1",352,11.6);
thing4.onPress = function() {
funcName(rectangle,"rectangle"," rectangle1",472,11.6);
thing5.onPress = function() {
funcName(ovel,"ovel"," ovel1",572,11.6);
speed = 1;
speed2 = 10;
function funcName(mcUse:MovieClip, exportName:String, newName:String, xLoc:Number, yLoc:Number):Void {
var mcUse:MovieClip = attachMovie(exportName, newName, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xLoc, _y:yLoc});
mcUse.onPress = function() {
mcUse.onMouseUp = function() {
delete mcUse.onMouseUp;
mcUse.onRelease = function() {
mcUse._x += Key.isDown(76)*speed;
mcUse._x -= Key.isDown(74)*speed;
mcUse._y += Key.isDown(75)*speed;
mcUse._y -= Key.isDown(73)*speed;
if (Key.isDown(103)) {
mcUse._y -= speed;
mcUse._x -= speed;
if (Key.isDown(105)) {
mcUse._y -= speed;
mcUse._y += speed;
if (Key.isDown(97)) {
mcUse._x += speed;
mcUse._x -= speed;
if (Key.isDown(99)) {
mcUse._x += speed2;
mcUse._y += speed2;
if (Key.isDown(219)) {
mcUse._y -= speed2;
mcUse._x -= speed2;
if (Key.isDown(221)) {
mcUse._y -= speed2;
mcUse._y += speed2;
if (Key.isDown(186)) {
mcUse._x += speed2;
mcUse._x -= speed2;
if (Key.isDown(222)) {
mcUse._x += speed2;
mcUse._y += speed2;
if (Key.isDown(70)) {
mcUse._yscale = -this._yscale;
if (Key.isDown(71)) {
mcUse._xscale = -this._xscale;
if (Key.isDown(82)) {
mcUse._rotation += 1;
if (Key.isDown(69)) {
mcUse._rotation -= 1;
mcUse._x += Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)*speed2;
mcUse._x -= Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)*speed2;
mcUse._y += Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)*speed2;
mcUse._y -= Key.isDown(Key.UP)*speed2;
if (Key.isDown(90)) {
mcUse._alpha -= 5;
if (Key.isDown(88)) {
mcUse._alpha += 5;
if (Key.isDown(81)) {
if (Key.isDown(87)) {
if (Key.isDown(83)) {
mcUse._xscale += 2;
mcUse._yscale += 2;
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
mcUse._xscale -= 2;
mcUse._yscale -= 2;
if (Key.isDown(67)) {
mcUse._xscale -= 2;
if (Key.isDown(86)) {
mcUse._xscale += 2;
if (Key.isDown(66)) {
mcUse._yscale -= 2;
if (Key.isDown(78)) {
mcUse._yscale += 2;
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
mcUse._xscale -= 2;
mcUse._yscale -= 2;
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
if (Key.isDown(77)) {
mcUse._y = random(400);
mcUse._x = random(550);
mcUse._xscale = random(200);
_yscale = random(200);
mcUse._alpha = random(100);
mcUse._rotation = random(360);
if (Key.isDown(80)) {
var Print = new PrintJob();
var myResult = Print.start();
if (myResult) {
myResult = Print.addPage(0, {xMin:0, xMax:400, yMin:0, yMax:400});
myResult = Print.addPage("mcUse", {xMin:0, xMax:400, yMin:400, yMax:800}, {printAsBitmap:true}, 1);
myResult = Print.addPage(1, null, {printAsBitmap:false}, 2);
myResult = Print.addPage(0);
delete Print;