[AS2] Menu button highlighted on start (lastClicked method)

Hello, I’m trying to get the first button of my menu highlighted opening the movie.swf (ex. “b1” mc). Here is the code and the fla:

//  USAGE:

//  myButton.onRelease = onClick;
//  myButton.onRollOver = overOut;
//  myButton.onRollOut = overOut;

var lastClicked = null;

function onClick()
	if ( this.select = !this.select ) {
		this.gotoAndStop( "released" );
		lastClicked.gotoAndPlay( "out" );
		lastClicked.select = false;
		lastClicked = this;
	} else {
		this.gotoAndPlay( "out" );
		lastClicked = null;

function overOut()
	this.over = !this.over;
	if (!this.select ) this.gotoAndPlay( ( this.over ) ? "over" : "out" );


for (var i=1; i<10; i++)
	var curBtn = this[ "b" + i ];
	curBtn.over = false;
	curBtn.select = false;
	curBtn.onRelease = onClick;
	curBtn.onRollOver = curBtn.onRollOut = curBtn.onReleaseOutside = overOut;

Can you help me?
