Highlight/Resetting MC button

Hi, I’m stuck on what seems a very simple problem, so I’m sure there is probably a very simple solution, but as of yet it has alluded me, maybe somebody can help.

What I’m trying to do is highlight a movieclip button when it is clicked, and then remove that highlight when another movieclip button in the same menu is clicked.

I think the problem is arising from the fact that the buttons temporarily highlight when rolled over. I have used the ‘ROLL_OVER’, and ‘ROLL_OUT’ event listeners to initiate the animation, so any attempt to keep the current button highlighted is quashed when the mouse is moved off the button.

here is some of the code i have used

[AS]overview_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, highlightMenu);
photography_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, highlightMenu);

overview_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, UNhighlightMenu);

overview_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, newPage);
photography_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, newPage);

function highlightMenu(e:MouseEvent):void

function UNhighlightMenu(e:MouseEvent):void

function newPage(e:MouseEvent):void

this is where I’m abit lost

currentPage = MovieClip(e.currentTarget);


I’d be truly grateful for any help at all
