function loadImage(id:Number):Void {
var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var object:Object = {};
object.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip):Void {
A code that I have used on numerous occasions* (above) *has decided it doesn’t want to work. I know the *loadImage *function is called as I have tested with traces, along with the variables. data[id].thumb and myDock[id].container output correctly when traced object.onLoadInit traces [Type Function] and loader outputs [object object], I just can’t seem to get flash to output “rr”, as it should.
I also do not get any “error opening URL” messages.
I have no idea what’s going on, do any of yous have any ideas/suggestions?
hey energy, thanks but I have tried all of the above already; I am hoping it’s just a security issue. I’ll keep trying to figure it out and get back to yous when/if I do
[QUOTE=nathan99;2354123]hey energy, thanks but I have tried all of the above already; I am hoping it’s just a security issue. I’ll keep trying to figure it out and get back to yous when/if I do[/QUOTE]
That’s what I was thinking but it’s odd that there’s no error/warning.