AS2 is the only scripting language I know, but I know almost all of it. The new Flash 9 comes with AS3. I have searched many times but I can not find out what the exact different between the two languages are. I have also seen some thing called Flex but even the Adobe website doesn’t tell me exactly what it does.
I’m really confused. I’m not sure if it is worth learning AS3. Will it give me better abilities to expand on the traditional flash boundaries because honestly it just looks like a worse version of AS2 (I know its not but I don’t know any better!) eg. getURL() > flash.net.navigateToURL().
I can’t see the advantages and I dont know about this type of scripting. Can anyone send me a link or somthing to explain all the differences between Flash 8 > Flash 9 and AS2 > AS3.
Thanks for the help!