AS2 Tween class Glitch?

Ok so basically I have a bunch of buttons when you mouse over them they scale up and down and change their Y pos. My problem is that when you mouse out and then back over quickly it’s like the first tween hasn’t stopped. So if you mouse out then back in it glitches and will go to the mouse out position. Does anyone know how to kill this bug, it’s been driving me crazy. I tried using the tween.Stop(); with no success. I tried naming the variables the same too so maybe they would overwrite eachother. Also no go. If anyone knows how to fix this problem I’d be very greatful.

pom.onRollOver = function() {
var myTween1:Tween = new Tween(pom, “_y”, Back.easeOut, pom._y, 319.4, .5, true);
var myTween2:Tween = new Tween(pom, “_yscale”, Back.easeOut, pom._yscale, 110, .5, true);
var myTween3:Tween = new Tween(pom, “_xscale”, Back.easeOut, pom._xscale, 110, .5, true);
startDrag(toutLimPom, true);
pom.onRollOut = function() {
var myTween11:Tween = new Tween(pom, “_y”, Back.easeOut, pom._y, 413.4, 1, true);
var myTween22:Tween = new Tween(pom, “_yscale”, Back.easeOut, pom._yscale, 90, 1, true);
var myTween33:Tween = new Tween(pom, “_xscale”, Back.easeOut, pom._xscale, 90, 1, true);

Thanks in advance!