AS3 Font Embedding

**Problem solved.
Turns out, when targeting FP10, you have to specify an additional parameter for the [Embed] tag when creating the font SWF:

Otherwise the font cannot be used with Textfield().**

I’ve spent close to four hours trying to get this banal issue resolved.
I want to use an embedded font in my AS3 project and no matter what technique I try, it does not work.

After having tried exported Font SWF/SWC from Flash CS5 as well as via the FDT Font Library, I have now created the font SWF according to this article.

When I load the font and register it, everything seems fine:

[FONT=courier new]constructor:[/FONT]

var loader:Loader = new Loader(); 
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, init); 
loader.load(new URLRequest("assets/_Rockwell.swf"));

[FONT=courier new]init() listener:[/FONT]

var FontLibrary:Class ="_Rockwell") as Class;

showEmbeddedFonts() function:

var fonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(); 
fonts.sortOn("fontName", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE); 

for (var i:int = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) 
     trace(fonts*.fontName + ", " + fonts*.fontStyle);

trace output: [FONT=courier new]"_Rockwell, regular"[/FONT]

However, when I try to use it in a different class of that project (after the font has loaded of course) the text disappears (system fonts do show up).

[FONT=courier new]excerpt of class TextItem():[/FONT]

// set text styles
var format : TextFormat = new TextFormat();

format.font = "_Rockwell";
format.bold = false;
format.color = _color;
format.size = _textSize;

_textfield.defaultTextFormat = format;
_textfield.embedFonts = true;

Any ideas as to what I have missed here? :frowning: