AS3 *instead of* Mode 7 game engine?

Hey everyone,

I’ve just been asked to put together an Outrun-style 3rd-person view racing game. When I was asked, I just shrugged and thought “Okay, fine.”… but the more I’ve thought about it, the harder and harder this thing seems.

I’ve done some intensive Googling and reading up and, ostensibly it seems that the method used by all the consoles was Mode 7, and as soon as I started searching for “Mode 7 Flash” I stumbled across a whole ton of source files… but ALL of them AS2, and all from years and years ago.

As I best as I can understand it (and that may not be very well at all), AS2 Mode 7 engines seem to use mask slices and scaling of a top-down image to effectively fake a 3D plane of the track. However, since Flash 10 has native (basic) 3D support, would I need to fake it using Mode 7 at all? Or am I massively oversimplifying this?

I considered making the game in actual 3D using Papervision or similar, but as soon as I realised I’d have to start considering physics & collisions (and maths was never, ever my strong suit), and the fact that I’ve only got 2-3 weeks to put it together, I figured real 3D would be the death of me.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I’m totally at a loss :S