Hi everyone. I started with some AS2 pageflip code that I’ve been modifying because I needed the code in AS3, and I wanted to make some changes to it. I’m new to actionscript so I’ll admit up front this was either ambitious or stupid.
At anyrate, I’m having a problem with the depth of two movieclips created. The code first creates a page using the makePage function, and then creates a shade for that page (makeShade function).
When running the code, the page appears on top of the shade. When using getChildIndex, the page’s index = 11, and the shade’s index = 14.
Why is the page appearing on top of the shade? Any ideas?
The complete code is super long so I’ve attached the code that has the shade and page below:
//create left-aligned page-sized solid fill
function makePage(targ, xQuadrant) {
//trace (“in make page”);
targ = new MovieClip();
with(targ.graphics) {
beginFill(pageColor, 100);
moveTo(0, 0);
lineTo(0, pageH);
lineTo(pageW, pageH);
lineTo(pageW, 0);
//trace (“end of make page function”);
targ.visible = false;
trace(“page targ depth=”, getChildIndex(targ));
//create left-aligned page-sized shadow
function makeShade(targ, xQuadrant) {
targ = new MovieClip();
var gradType:String = GradientType.LINEAR;
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.createGradientBox(pageW, pageH, deg2rad(0));
var colors:Array =[0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000];
var alphas:Array =[.7, .5, 0];
var ratios:Array =[0, 17, 255];
beginGradientFill(gradType, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix);;
moveTo(0, 0);
lineTo(0, pageH);
lineTo(pageW, pageH);
lineTo(pageW, 0);
trace (“end of make shade function”);
trace(“shade targ depth=”, getChildIndex(targ));
//Place Stationary Pages
var SLP:MovieClip;
var SRP:MovieClip;
var Shade:MovieClip;
function setStationary() {
//place left page
SLP = new MovieClip();
trace (“clip created”);
if (flipPage != 1.5) {
makePage(SLP, -1);
//i = 2;
var slpPrint = new pages[1];
//trace (slpPrint);
with (SLP.slpPrint) {
x = -pageW/2;
y = -pivotY;
//right page
if (flipPage != maxPages -.5) {
trace(“flip page does not equal 7.5”);
makePage(SRP, 1);
//var srpPrint=new pages[0];
var srpPrint = new pages[0];
srpPrint.x = pageW/2;
srpPrint.y = 0;
trace (“after makePage”);
//place shade on page not being revealed
trace(“exit set stationary if statement”);
var targ = dir>0 ? SLP:SRP;
Shade = new MovieClip();
makeShade(Shade, -dir);
trace (“end of set stationary function”);