[FONT=Arial]I am in need of some assistance here, I have a website created in Flash/AS3 which is very simply done, but I’ve always had a problem fading (or any other effect) one movie clip to another by use of an event handler (Click, mouseOver, Mouse, etc.)
On the first frame I have the following code …of course modified for all my frame labels (“home”), (“about”) for starters …
++|| bn_logo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, reportClickLogo);
++|| function reportClickLogo(myevent:MouseEvent):void{
++|| gotoAndPlay(“home”); [SIZE=1]// I don’t want it to just go to the label, I want it to do something and go to the label[/SIZE]
++|| mc_quote.gotoAndPlay(“home”);[SIZE=1] // This too!![/SIZE]
++|| }
And on the timeline I seperate all the pages that I have content for in frame 5 which is labeled (“home”) and 20 (“about”).
So… When I press a button to go back n forth between these pages, it just gotoAndPlay(“the_designated_label”) I hate this way, and want a better way. When I leave a page it just disappears, and the new page animates in, but it doesn’t animate when I click…
I know I am a bit redundant, if you need examples you can go to a web site I’ve created for a company that has recorded a CD and wants to link it to pay-pal (eww) Nate and Kate Productions
Please Help Flash Gurus! :to: