Hi there,
I’m having a little trouble and could really do with some advice. I’m currently creating a site in which each “page” must animate in and also out. I’m using frame lables, “home”, “about us”, “services” and “contact” and I think what I need is some way of saying:
“ok Flash, when I click on the “About Us” button, for example, what I would like you to do is to gotoAndPlay frame label “About Us”. Once you get there, stop until I press another button. Now, what I’d like you to do if I press the “Services” button is to go through the exit animation and once you’ve done that, then gotoAndPlay the entry animation of the services page until you have reached the frame label “Services” then you can stop until I press another button.” etc etc.
Does that make sense? Each page has it’s own entry and exit sequence and I need each page to be accesible from every other page. To date, I’ve tried putting a movie clip on the final frame of the exit sequence of any given “page” that has a “onClipEvent Load” script attached to it to send it to another frame but that only works to send it to a single page and am now stuck at simply having a “back to main menu” button on each page.
I think what I need is a variable that says “if the About Us button is clicked, go through the exit sequence of whatever page we are on, and then go to frame label “About Us”. However, if the Services button is clicked go though the same exit sequence but go to and play frame label “Services”” and so on.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!!! I’d like to save the few hairs still on my head after a month of pulling it all out in frustration! :crazy: