AS3 Tool Tip class

handy little utility…

  • Singleton Tool Tip class AS3 Style
  • @author Devon O. Wolfgang

package com.onebyonedesign.utils {

import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
import flash.text.AntiAliasType;
import flash.text.Font;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;

public class OBO_ToolTip extends Sprite {
	public static const ROUND_TIP:String = "roundTip";
	public static const SQUARE_TIP:String = "squareTip";
	private static var OBO_TT:OBO_ToolTip;
	private var _adv:Boolean;
	private var _tipText:TextField;
	private var _tipColor:uint;
	private var _tipAlpha:Number;
	private var _format:TextFormat;
	private var _ds:DropShadowFilter;
	private var _root:DisplayObjectContainer;
	private var _userTip:String;
	private var _orgX:int;
	private var _orgY:int;
	* singleton class - use static createToolTip() method for instantiation
	* @private
	public function OBO_ToolTip(tc:TipCreator, myRoot:DisplayObjectContainer, font:Font, tipColor:uint = 0xFFFFFF, tipAlpha:Number = 1, tipShape:String = "roundTip", fontColor:uint = 0x000000, fontSize:int = 11, advRendering:Boolean = true) {
		if (!tc is TipCreator) throw new Error("OBO_ToolTip class must be instantiated with static method OBO_ToolTip.createToolTip() method.");
		_root = myRoot;
		_tipColor = tipColor;
		_tipAlpha = tipAlpha;
		_userTip = tipShape;
		_adv = advRendering;
		_format = new TextFormat(font.fontName, fontSize, fontColor);
		_ds = new DropShadowFilter(3, 45, 0x000000, .7, 2, 2, 1, 3);
		this.mouseEnabled = false;
	* The OBO_ToolTip is a Singleton class which is instantiated using the the static method createToolTip(). It allows you to easily add tool tip items to DisplayObject instances.
	* @example The following example creates a simple red square Sprite instance then instantiates a tool tip instance which displays when the mouse rolls over the square:
	* <listing version="3.0">
	*  package {
	*     import flash.display.Sprite;
	*     import com.onebyonedesign.utils.OBO_ToolTip;
	*     import;
	*         public class ToolTipExample extends Sprite {
	*         private var _toolTip:OBO_ToolTip;
	*         private var _mySprite:Sprite;
	*         public function ToolTipExample() {
	*             _mySprite = drawSprite();
	*             _mySprite.x = 100;
	*             _mySprite.y = 100;
	*             addChild(_mySprite);
	*             _toolTip = OBO_ToolTip.createToolTip(this, new LibraryFont(), 0x000000, .8, OBO_ToolTip.ROUND_TIP, 0xFFFFFF, 8, false);
	*             _mySprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, displayToolTip);
	*             _mySprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, removeToolTip);
	*         }
	*         private function displayToolTip(me:MouseEvent):void {
	*             _toolTip.addTip("This is a tool tip example.");
	*         }
	*         private function removeToolTip(me:MouseEvent):void {
	*             _toolTip.removeTip();
	*         }
	*         private function drawSprite():Sprite {
	*             var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
	*   ;
	*   , 0, 50, 50);
	*   ;
	*             return s;
	*         }
	*     }
	* }
	* </listing>
	* @param	myRoot			The "root" display object which will parent the tool tip.
	* @param	font			An instance of the embedded font class to use for the tool tip text.
	* @param	tipColor		The hexadecimal color of the tool tip.
	* @param	tipAlpha		The alpha of the tool tip (0 - 1).
	* @param	tipShape		The shape of the tool tip. Either <code>OBO_ToolTip.ROUND_TIP</code> or <code>OBO_ToolTip.SQUARE_TIP</code>.
	* @param	fontColor		The hexadecimal color of the tool tip's text.
	* @param	fontSize		The size of the tool tip text.
	* @param	advRendering	Recommend <code>false</code> for pixel fonts and <code>true</code> for others.
	* @return					A single instance of the OBO_ToolTip class.
	public static function createToolTip(myRoot:DisplayObjectContainer, font:Font, tipColor:uint = 0xFFFFFF, tipAlpha:Number = 1, tipShape:String = "roundTip", fontColor:uint = 0x000000, fontSize:int = 11, advRendering:Boolean = true):OBO_ToolTip {
		if (OBO_TT == null) OBO_TT = new OBO_ToolTip(new TipCreator(), myRoot, font, tipColor, tipAlpha, tipShape, fontColor, fontSize, advRendering);
		return OBO_TT;
	* Use this method to display the tool tip.
	* @param	words			The message the tool tip should display.
	* @return
	public function addTip(words:String):void {
		_tipText = new TextField();
		_tipText.mouseEnabled = false;
		_tipText.selectable = false;
		_tipText.defaultTextFormat = _format;
		_tipText.antiAliasType = _adv ? AntiAliasType.ADVANCED : AntiAliasType.NORMAL;
		_tipText.width = 1;
		_tipText.height = 1;
		_tipText.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
		_tipText.embedFonts = true;
		_tipText.multiline = true;
		_tipText.text = words;

		var w:Number = _tipText.textWidth;
		var h:Number = _tipText.textHeight;
		var tipShape:Array;

		switch (_userTip) {
			case ROUND_TIP :
				tipShape = [[0, -13.42], [0, -2], [10.52, -15.7], [13.02, -18.01, 13.02, -22.65], [13.02, -16-h], [13.23, -25.23-h, 3.1, -25.23-h], [-w , -25.23-h], [-w -7, -25.23-h, -w - 7, -16-h], [-w - 7, -22.65], [-w - 7, -13.42, -w, -13.42]];
			case SQUARE_TIP :
				tipShape = [[-((w / 2) + 5), -16], [-((w / 2) + 5), -((18 + h) + 4)], [((w / 2) + 5), -((18 + h) + 4)], [((w / 2) + 5), -16], [6, -16], [0, 0], [-6, -16], [-((w / 2) + 5), -16]];
			default :
				throw new Error("Undefined tool tip shape in OBO_ToolTip!");
		var len:int = tipShape.length;, _tipAlpha);	
		for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++) {
			if (i == 0) {*[0], tipShape*[1]);
			} else if (tipShape*.length == 2) {*[0], tipShape*[1]);
			} else if (tipShape*.length == 4) {*[0], tipShape*[1], tipShape*[2], tipShape*[3]);
		this.x = stage.mouseX;
		this.y = stage.mouseY;
		this.filters = [_ds];
		_tipText.x = (_userTip == ROUND_TIP) ? Math.round(-w) : Math.round(-(w / 2)) - 2;
		_orgX = _tipText.x;
		_tipText.y = Math.round(-21 - h);
		_orgY = _tipText.y;
		stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onTipMove);
	private function onTipMove(me:MouseEvent):void {
		this.x = Math.round(me.stageX);
		this.y = Math.round(me.stageY - 2);
		if (this.y - this.height < 0) {
			this.scaleY = _tipText.scaleY = - 1;
			_tipText.y = (_userTip == ROUND_TIP) ? - 18 : -16;
			this.y = Math.round(me.stageY  + 5);
		 } else {
			this.scaleY = _tipText.scaleY = 1;
			_tipText.y = _orgY;

		if (this.x - (this.width - 18) < 0) {
			if (_userTip == ROUND_TIP) {
				this.scaleX = _tipText.scaleX  = - 1;
				_tipText.x = 5;
		} else {
			this.scaleX = _tipText.scaleX = 1;
			_tipText.x = _orgX;
	* Use this method to remove the tool tip.
	* @return
	public function removeTip():void {
		stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onTipMove);
	* Sets the shape of the tool tip. Valid arguments are the strings <code>OBO_ToolTip.ROUND_TIP</code> (or "roundTip") and <code>OBO_ToolTip.SQUARE_TIP</code> (or "squareTip"). Anything else will throw an error.
	* @return
	public function set tipShape(shape:String):void {
		if (shape != ROUND_TIP && shape != SQUARE_TIP) throw new Error("Invalid tip shape \""+ shape + "\" specified at OBO_ToolTip.tipShape.");
		_userTip = shape;


internal class TipCreator {};[/AS]