as3 vars and packages with same name causing flash builder to throw 3599 error

[LEFT][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Just switched to flash builder and working as3 code from flash is throwing lots of 3599 errors:
3599 Definition name is the same as an imported package name. Unqualified references to that name will resolve to the package and not the definition.
I know that this is due to my packages having the same name as class property vars that reside inside the package, but I don’t know what the best practice is for resolving these name conflicts. The problem is I like to name packages and variables after classes sometimes. for example:[/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT]

package icon {
[COLOR=#00008B]import[/COLOR] flash.display.[COLOR=#2B91AF]DisplayObject[/COLOR];
[COLOR=#00008B]import[/COLOR] flash.display.[COLOR=#2B91AF]Graphics[/COLOR];
[COLOR=#00008B]import[/COLOR] flash.display.[COLOR=#2B91AF]Shape[/COLOR];
[COLOR=#00008B]import[/COLOR] flash.display.[COLOR=#2B91AF]Sprite[/COLOR];

[COLOR=#00008B]public[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00008B]class[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2B91AF]IconMaker[/COLOR] extends [COLOR=#2B91AF]Sprite[/COLOR]{

    [COLOR=#00008B]private[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00008B]var[/COLOR] icon:[COLOR=#2B91AF]Icon[/COLOR];

    [COLOR=#00008B]public[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00008B]function[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2B91AF]IconMaker[/COLOR](icon:[COLOR=#2B91AF]Icon[/COLOR]):[COLOR=#00008B]void[/COLOR]{
        [COLOR=#00008B]this[/COLOR].icon = icon;
    [COLOR=#00008B]public[/COLOR] [COLOR=#00008B]function[/COLOR] make():[COLOR=#00008B]void[/COLOR] {
        icon.iconButton = [COLOR=#00008B]new[/COLOR] [COLOR=#2B91AF]IconButton[/COLOR]();

So my question is what is the best practice: underscore prefix (_icon) or “my” prefix (myicon) or should I rename the package? or what.[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Thank you very much[/FONT][/COLOR][/LEFT]