i’m trying to start organizing projects
i have this folder structure:
my document is in VectorModelStudy12511
i have class paths to VectorModelStudy12511 and src
the top of my document looks like:
package VectorModelStudy12511
public class VectorModelStudy12511Document extends Sprite
private var _model:LanderModelx;
private var _view:LanderUIView;
private var _controller:LanderUIController;
//private var _view:LanderView;
and i’m getting this error:
5001: The name of package ‘VectorModelStudy12511’ does not reflect the location of this file. Please change the package definition’s name inside this file, or move the file. C:\Users\rob\Desktop\Projects\Working\Flash\AS3Study\VectorModelStudy12511\VectorModelStudy12511Document.as
what am i doing wrong???