Asfuntion PROBLEM! BUG?

I am using the asfunction to call a function and passing a parameter. The problem is in the parameter. I can give a parameter that is over 104 characters. What ever is after that 104th character doesnt pass into the string of the function.

Any ideas why is this so and any solutions?

I dont know of any limitations, maybe you need to URL encode the parameter.

What do you mean URL encode the parameter?

Also I am trying it to do in a different way if that doesnt work but am stuck again and maybe you can help me in this, since i know there is a way.

I am passing a string in the argument and that string is the name of the parameter that is stored in a text file.
Therefore i am using the loadVar method.
eg Text File content

function call
’asfunction: myFunction, something’

function myFunction(paraName){
//…after loading the textfile and everything

var x=this.paraName doesnt work.
var c=this.realName is working
any suggestions?

Take a look at this thread to see how i parsed the arguments from the textfile.

The problem here is that I dont know that which variable will be called untill the user tells me to. The tread will work if you have a variable in the text file myVar and are using this.myVar. But for me since i dont know that variable name unless and untill it is called I cant use this.myVar.

Also I dont have any idea what variable names exist in the textfile since they are added by the user, that removes possibity of if…then scenario