OK, i have a really simple and quick question… well actaully 2
q #1
i have one main file called function.asp that deals will all the database related things. EX. adding a news update… hte from action would be function.asp?method=addnews.
is this a bad thing to do, or is it ok?
Q. #2
Im making a news updating script, and im running into troubles.
this is what i have…
Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
lpath = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("main.mdb")
set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RS.Open "updates", Conn
RS("title") = Request.Form("title")
RS("body") = Request.Form("body")
RS("when") = Now()
RS("day") = DatePart("d", Date())
RS("month") = DatePart("m", Date())
RS("year") = DatePart("yyyy", Date())
Set RS = Nothing
set Conn = nothing
Response.Write "sdfgfdsg" 'to see if it works
do you see any problems with it? all im getting is 500 errors.
thanks for any help