Recordset addnew fails in ASP page with SQL Server 2005


I acquired ASP code for SQL Server 2000 which functioned properly. I migrated to SQL Server 2005 and now the code fails on the AddNew command.

The code is:
set rs = server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Recordset”)
sql = “SELECT * FROM News;” sql,conn,2,2
rs.Fields(“intNewsID”)= intID
rs.Fields(“strTitle”) = urlnameencode(Title)
rs.Fields(“dteDate”) = dteDate
rs.Fields(“strDesc”) = strdesc
rs.Fields(“strURL”) = strURL
rs.Fields(“boolNewWindow”) = boolNewWin
rs.Fields(“intNewsCategory”) = intNewsCategory
rs.Fields(“ImageExt”) = strImageExt
rs.Fields(“DocumentExt”) = strDocumentExt
AddNews = “true”
set rs = nothing

I have tested the connection strings and table News and all is correct according to other code. I receive an error page 500 - Internal Server Error but unfortunately no details of the error.