Hi all,
I’m doing some work for a company who have a website currently set up with ASP… not only have I inherited it from someone else but I don’t have experience using ASP or other server-side stuff, so i’m quite the n00b.
However they’re not doing major site reconstruction so I have been able to find my way around it so far.
Today, I was just swapping some images around on the database and then suddenly ALL pages of the site stopped working. if you go here
you will see that it has an error page (first click “australia” as your location).
I have googled for help but don’t understand a lot of what is being explained, and sounds like much of it is for other stuff. Since it’s not one specific page, and also since I wasn’t actually making major changes, I can’t work out what the problem is…
Also, since I didn’t set up the site in the first place, I don’t know what the deal is with who’s hosting the stuff or anything else like that that might be relevant. As you can tell, i’m not very clued up about it!
Has my database become corrupted somehow? the problem appears to be when the Open() command is being run. I tried to delete and put in an older version of the db but it won’t let me because it says it’s in use.
any help?!
thanks a lot,