Attach a swf to your email

I have send a swf Xmas card to all my friends (Flash 5). I did not know that they need a Flash player installed (other than the player you use in IE/Netscape) on your computer to play it.

There must be another way, now isn’t there?

when you publish it i think you can change it to quicktime or some other format…?! thats the best way i know heh sorry

my friend rekons she played hers through hotmail!!

Maybe she doesnt even know the diffrence between a hotmail account and a Flash Player :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, then how about publishing the card as a projector and sending it as an attachment?
This way people need to have Flash installed to view it.
**Only problem with this is you have to publish both Mac and PC versions cause they are operating system specific.

BUT, if your card isn’t immense in file size, they can choose, and it always works.