Okay so i have this code working, it attaches a movieclip from the library ‘star’ and runs through a for loop so quite a few of them are created. each star gets individually assigned a, x,yscale, x,ypos, and alpha, etc, this is all fine and works a treat. What i want to do is call this function from an interval so it happens over and over again. I think the problem is that i’m doing ‘this.attachmovie’ and therefore when it trys to run again it is kinda fighting with whats already been attached, also does it matter that ‘var i’ will now actually == the numOfStars var? do i need to reset that so that the for loop can run again?
i have tried (and failed) to do some kind of createEmptyMovieClip+newNum and then increment up the newNum var each time the function is called, in the hope that instead of doing this.attachmovie i could do emptyMovie+[newNum].attacheMovie… is this the correct way to do stuff like this i dunno?
i’d really appreciate some help on this if anyone out there has the time.
thanks in advance.
and just in case anyone is unfamiliar with what gs it’s: