Attach multiple movies with onMouseDown for each

I am having problems with attaching multiple instances of the same mc, and tring to get an onMouseDown event for each of them.

The problem is that if I mousedown on one of the attached mc’s, then all the attached mc’s will trigger the onMouseDown event instead of only the one I clicked on.

the trace returns “onMouseDown called on 1” …“n” instead of a single trace statement.


function createSlideIcons(num){
var targetMC:MovieClip = this.form1.slideNav.slider;
var spacer = 5;
for(var x:Number=0;x<num;x++){
var newX:Number = x * (60 + spacer);
var slideID:Number = x+1;
slideDepth = targetMC.getNextHighestDepth();
var currentIcon = targetMC.attachMovie(“slideIcon_mc”, “slide_”+ slideID , slideDepth, {_x:newX, onMouseDown:selectSlide});
currentIcon.slideTxt.text = slideID;
selectSlide = function () {
trace ("onMouseDown called on " + this.slideTxt.text);

Help please!!! Any suggestions on how to correct this???

PS. this is my first post!!!