Attach Sound via A.S

Hello everyone.
I am loading for a 10 mins slide show 6 swf #loadMovieNum(“myClip.swf”, 1)#
one into the other and every clip got his soundtrack attached and linked via A.S.

s = new Sound();

The music works only if I play each swf by itself in the flash player but is mute when i make all the thing started
i checked already every singol frame but i can’t find the bug!

ps: i am also dealing with

vol = s.getvolume();
s.setVolume(vol - 10);

to fade out every song but somethimes it works and others time the player seem to ignore this command.
if i pump up the volume at the beginning with

vol = s.getvolume();
s.setVolume(vol + 80);

can i fade it out with
vol = s.getvolume();
s.setVolume(vol - 100);

ask for details if u need i’ll be refreshing this page every hour

:blush: :sigh: :-\

s = new Sound(this);

check here for fade techniques

hi man , very glad u replay to me, i was looking for a replay from senocular…, u know is an honor for a very junior member…
by the way yeah i am using that script, I adding s = new Sound(this);
to every swf but but i have e new problem now , only my first swf got the right volume setting, when i play all the swf in a row the flash player just set the volume of the 2th 3th 4th 5th swfs at the very minimun.!!
Can be something wrong on the publish setting panel ???
please i am getting crazy
thanks going x the link…


Does anyone of u guys can quickly tell me a way to make 6 songs start & fade out inside 6 swf loaded one after the other with loadsMovieNum ?
Dealing with tutorials al time but my brain it doen’t take anything inside at the moment.