Sound troubles

I am trying to build a presentation ( projection ) and the final job will count one main SWF and 5 others external SWF.
I am attaching the soundtrack to every single swf by actionscript
( so iz not visible in the timeline)

s = new Sound();

i am also dealing with long and heavy mp3 files ( the soundtrack)
every swf Must finish with a fade out and as soon as the next swf is displayed must starts with a new song. No problem with the fade in because all the songs starts low and after few frames get a bit lauder by itself.

To fade out the soundtracks i am setting the volume

vol = s.getvolume();
s.setVolume(vol - 10);

vol = s.getvolume();
s.setVolume(vol - 20);

vol = s.getvolume();
s.setVolume(vol - 30);

vol = s.getvolume();
s.setVolume(vol - 40);

vol = s.getvolume();
s.setVolume(vol - 50);

but it doesn’t really work because i don’t know ( !??) how to fade out completely the sound ( very stupid question I know ) i can stil hear the GAP between the songS.
MY questions

1= what script must have a stop button in the stage to pause the animation and the sound too ? and the play button to make the animation and the sound start from were they where?

2= what value must have the last frame of script to totally SHUT down the sound ? (vol -100) ??

3= what is the best publishing setting for mp3 considering that when the songs are imported in Flash MX are all very heavy ( 5mb or >) ??

I even try to cut the songs with peak to make them smaller.

Please, i know all this can sound very confusing but that’s my brain now.
if u feel to answer even to ONE of the silly question i made i’ll send u over a PIZZA ( a picture I mean )
thanks thank thank thanks

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

The best way to fade out to no sound is to simply stop the sound playing i.e. (code taken from somewhere else on kirupa)

If you play the sound using this on a button click where the coolsound is the name of the mp3 file you have imported into the libary

on (release) {
kirupaSound = new Sound(this);
kirupaSound.start(0, 99);

Then you should simply stop it using

forget about the question number 1;
Stephen & Kax helped me for that…anyone for the others two questions ???