Attaching jpegs

Hi im new to programming but ive cobbled together a script for a photo gallery.
I have created and duplicated a mc, but now i want to load images into the boxes and scale them to fit!
Will the original mc still work when clicked?

Here’s my code so far:

// create a container to put a movie clip in.
var container:MovieClip = setUpContainer(“container1”);
//var container:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, getNextHighestDepth());

//mcLoader.loadClip(“photo1.jpg”, duplicate[5]);

//function onLoadInit(mc:MovieClip) {
// trace("onLoadInit: " + mc);

var ln:Number = 10;
// number of boxes
var spacer:Number = 5;
// size of spacer
var duplicate:Array = new Array();
// init array of movieclips

for (var i = 0; i<(ln-1); i++) {
// i from 0 to 9 ie 10 boxes
var newX:Number = i*(container._width+spacer);
// calc y posit of new box
duplicate* = container.duplicateMovieClip(“clip-”+i, i+1);
// duplicate container call it clip-1, clip-2 etc + assign it to member of duplicate array
duplicate*._x = newX;
// set _y property of duplicate container to new value.
duplicate*.onPress = function() {
moveBox(this._name, duplicate);
var startX:Number = duplicate*._x;


// Use MovieClipLoader to load the image.
//var my_mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
//my_mcl.loadClip(“photo1.jpg”, container);

//duplicate[2]._y = 300;
//var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
//for (i=0; i<1; i++){
//mcLoader.loadClip(“photo” + i +".jpg", duplicate*);
//container1.photo1.jpg._xscale = 50;
function setUpContainer(cName:String):MovieClip {
var mc:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip(cName, this.getNextHighestDepth());
// create movieclip call it cName and set depth
var w:Number = 60;
// width
var h:Number = 60;
// height
// fill it with grey
mc.lineTo(w, 0);
// draw …
mc.lineTo(w, h);
mc.lineTo(0, h);
mc.lineTo(0, 0);
// … box
mc._visible = false;
// make the first box invisible
return mc;
// return reference to Movieclip
function moveBox(clipName:String, arrayRef:Array) {
var i:Number;
for (i=0; i<arrayRef.length; i++) {
// if the name of the the box is the same as the name sent into the function…
if (arrayRef*._name == clipName) {
// if it’s not at the top, tween it up
if (arrayRef*._y == 0) {
ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, “_y”, mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._y, 200, 30);
ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, “_rotation”, mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 0, 360, 30);
ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, “_x”, mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._x, 250, 30);
ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, “_yscale”, mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._yscale, 200, 30);
ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, “_xscale”, mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._xscale, 300, 30);

			// otherwise tween it down.
		} else {
			ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._y, 0, 30);
			ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 100, 70, 30);
			ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._x, i * 65, 30);
			ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, "_yscale", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._yscale, 100, 30);
			ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, "_xscale", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._xscale, 100, 30);
		// if the box name doesn't match and the box is not at the top, tween it up
	} else if (arrayRef*._y != 0) {
		ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._y, 0, 30);
		ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, 100, 70, 30);
		ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._x, i * 65 , 30);
		ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, "_yscale", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._yscale, 100, 30);
		ballTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(arrayRef*, "_xscale", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, arrayRef*._xscale, 100, 30);
