attachMovie and scrolling, errr Help?


I have made a dynamically created thumbnail list using the attachMovie method (Scotty helped me out there…Thanks Scotty!!!).
I load a string from an external txt file, split it into an array and based on the number of items in the array, attach a movieclip from the library.The array stores the foldername that holds the contents.There is a button in the attached mc’s which “onRelease” should load the appropriate Content.swf (called “cont.swf”) one level up.
My first problem is:
How do I tell the button to load the according cont.swf on a higher level?

My second (bigger) problem is:

How can I load all the thumbnails into a scrollable movieclip (rather not using the scrollPane, so I can maybe add easing to the scroller later)? When the swf is first loaded, I want 3 thumbnails to show per default, and if there are more than 3 items, I want to scroll them into view…

In the attached zip file is waht I have so far…

Any help on this is really appreciated, my deadline is getting kinda close…

Thanks for any input,
