Attachmovie hOrRor (my preloader solution)

I am ‘attempting’ to get each of my pages (home, contact, portfolio…) in the single .swf to load dynamically w attachmovie…however, the dreaded export in first frame, unavoidable as it is, is wrecking everything.

** It seems like it would be fine if I took the mc I was to export (i.e. home mc) in the first frame and inside of the mc itself put an individual preloader so technically the first first frame of the movie would at least show a preloader instead of waiting some 30% before appearing.

This giving me two preloaders, one for the main swf and another for the movie that’s being exported in the first frame. I only get to see the main one.

Is there any other way to import this mc w a preloader separate from the maintimeline?


~ Seretha :love:

( And one other quick question: If I were to load an external mc on the third frame would the preloader take the entire mc into consideration when loading?)