I have Flash CS3 - and the project is in AS2.
myMCL = new MovieClipLoader ();
myListener = new Object ();
function initClips()
for (i=1;i<=1;i++)
holder.attachMovie (“img”, “img”+i,i);
myMCL.loadClip(“images/” + i + “.jpg”, holder[“img” + i]);
holder[“img”+i]._height = holder._height; // !!! THIS IS WHERE THE PROBLEM IS
This is the code so far. The for is used so I will be able to add more images and elaborate into a slideshow. The main issue is that I can’t resize it. The linkage mc has a width and height of 1 px and if I resize it multiplies the size of the picture rather than assigning it.
To understand better: if I do holder[“img”+i]._height = 0.5; it halves the image size -> 1 = 2 * 0.5 (just to be clear). So it acceses the container of the image and not the image it self.
I need this because I can’t find a way to load N number of images without XML, arrays, text files or anything else. Hopefully it will end the for with something triggered by the onLoadError handler.
Thanks very much.