hello i just need somebody that can maybe sort out this code. i have some globals defined in the root timeline. a red box fades in loaded from the library. there are 3 different colored buttons. when pressing one of the buttons the new colored box loads in, fades from 0 to 100 and unloads the previous box. That’s where the problem lies. It will delete the first red box. but after that the green, blue and yellow boxes don’t seem to unload. so when you click them again…a duplicate shows up and ends up nulling the whole color. the main problem i believe lies within the buttons AS. I’m just going to post the .fla for it because it’s prob easier to look at that way with all the code right in front of you. Keep in mind the button code is all the same except for the _global.chooseColor, so you really only have to work with one of the buttons and the _root code. Thanks for any help in advance.