attachSound gone - So how can we load random sounds from library?

I see that attachSound is gone and you have to instantiate a sound object in replacement.

In other words I can no longer do this:

var S:Sound = new Sound(this);

I have to do:

var S:Sound = new SoundLinkedInLibrary();,0);


However, this is a big problem! I would like to play a random sound from my library! How can I do this without having if statements?

I used to be able to do this:

var S:Sound = new Sound(this);

But I don’t see a way of doing this in AS 3? It seems like I have to do:

var rand:Number = Math.floor(Math.randon()*5);
var S:Sound;
if (rand == 0)
S = new MusicTrackNumber0();
else if (rand == 1)
S = new MusicTrackNumber1();
else if...


There MUST be a way. Does anyone have any idea or methods they’d like to share?
