Attachsound & preloading issues - please help!

Oh the wasted hours spent trying to figure this out. This stupid attachsound function. First I made a loop movie that was nested into my main movie. I linked the mp3 files for use with actionscript, but had to put the mp3 files and attachsound scripts in my main movie because I couldn’t get it to work in the loaded loop file. Come to find after hours of searching that I simply forgot the “this” in the attachsound function i.e.

loop1=new Sound(this);

Duh! Ok so I got that one, but now that’s given me another problem. My preloader won’t work since the loops are expoted in frame 1. I unchecked the “export in frame 1” option in the linkage dialog, but then I understand I have to have an instance of the movie on the stage. So, I’ve created a movie with all 6 loops on it and then applied actionscript to the first frame “this.unloadmovie();”. I’ve set the sounds in the movie to stop - I got no audio. I set them to start - I got all the loops at once. I set them to start and turned the volume down (in the Effects-Edit box) - I got no sound. I made 6 movie clips and put 1 loop in each one - I’ve tried everything. I can’t get anything to work!!

Either the preloader works and I get no audio, or the audio works and I get no preloader. I’ve even tried AssetMover to move the sounds to frame 2. No luck. I’ve been searching for hours to a solution to this. If ANYONE has found a soulution I will be soooooooo happy! :slight_smile:

You can download the zipped FLA (6MB) if you want to take a look at it. It has 3 loops instead of the 6 I use to keep the file size down.