Attachsound & preloading issues - please help!

Oh the wasted hours spent trying to figure this out. This stupid attachsound function. First I made a loop movie that was nested into my main movie. I linked the mp3 files for use with actionscript, but had to put the mp3 files and attachsound scripts in my main movie because I couldn’t get it to work in the loaded loop file. Come to find after hours of searching that I simply forgot the “this” in the attachsound function i.e.

loop1=new Sound(this);

Duh! Ok so I got that one, but now that’s given me another problem. My preloader won’t work since the loops are expoted in frame 1. I unchecked the “export in frame 1” option in the linkage dialog, but then I understand I have to have an instance of the movie on the stage. So, I’ve created a movie with all 6 loops on it and then applied actionscript to the first frame “this.unloadmovie();”. I’ve set the sounds in the movie to stop - I got no audio. I set them to start - I got all the loops at once. I set them to start and turned the volume down (in the Effects-Edit box) - I got no sound. I made 6 movie clips and put 1 loop in each one - I’ve tried everything. I can’t get anything to work!!

Either the preloader works and I get no audio, or the audio works and I get no preloader. I’ve even tried AssetMover to move the sounds to frame 2. No luck. I’ve been searching for hours to a solution to this. If ANYONE has found a soulution I will be soooooooo happy! :slight_smile:

You can download the zipped FLA (6MB) if you want to take a look at it. It has 3 loops instead of the 6 I use to keep the file size down.

I went to the other post and did as you suggested. I actually put a blank keyframe on frame 2 and a movieclip containing the 3 loops on frame 3. I told the preloader when finished _root.loops.gotoAndStop(4). That didn’t work so I tried frame labeling and it didn’t work.

After it loads it plays through all 3 loops once. Then on the loop selection I have it set up where when the user clicks for another loop it goes to the next frame. There are actions on that frame to stop the loops from the preceding and next frame and to start the new loop for that frame. Now, if I wait until all the loops play through once and stop, if I click to go to the next frame it will play all the loops through once again and then repeat the loop that it should be on for that frame. So instead of just playing and looping that file - it plays all files once and then loops that file. Very agrivating.

I posted an updated FLA