I had to take a break from this web stuff so I had a bit of fun. Not too sure what you were after by your description though… did you just want a blank one??
Wow Mate! Nice work. Yes I was looking for a blank one in either a white plastic like the top part is. If you cna put some text on the container it would be very cool. I just have to work on getting it to you.
P.S. Can you make it a little shorter?
Do you use MSN Messenger or AIM. If so drop me a message.
Making a model “photo-realistic” is not even that much modeling. To be photorealistic you just have to have a handle on the lighting and map properties. (bump-maps, glossyness, etc)
Sorry, I don’t have the time to do anything more for this (I’m already 2 days past deadline for another project), but if you like I can post the mesh + bitmaps in a zip file and someone else can take a stab at it.
I won’t have access to the files until tommorow… but I’ll see if I can post them then.