Attn REV: A footer jsut for me?

Hey rev love the footer. Did you build it so i would be the only one able to read it lol.

PS: For those ppl who dont’ know i’m dyslexic.

I had you in mind actually…

it came to me while reading one of your posts…




Glad to know i inspire ppl every where lol(-:

i wanna b dyslisik…:frowning:

No, no you don’t man.

lol…y not…?

you might be a rotaredom, but you can never be a rotartsinimda. You’re not cool enough :).

Max: Because if you are dyslexic it means you have a very hard time reading and typing letters and words.

i have friends which and there cool at arty stuff instead… i heard when some people who are D read the word are moving about on the page and thats why they get it wrong… but im not sure if that was just a really good lie?

Eddir Izzard is dyslexic, and look how cool that guy is. :slight_smile: He says that’s the way his humour works. :slight_smile:

he’s soooooooo funny… in fact… I have to get some more of his videos! :slight_smile:

I have all of them. :beam:

Next time he tours I’m going to watch, the man is a comedy genius.

dyslexia noun [U]
a difficulty with reading and writing caused by the brain’s inability to see the difference between some letter shapes

It is pretty much word blindness. My brain can’t see the mistakes it makes when spelling. I have to re read what i type or write very closely. If i quick read over i never see my mistakes. In my mind every thing seems correct. I have difficulty spelling but I’m lucky that i can read exeptionaly well.

One of my biggest chalenges is the small words. Your brain doesn’t think as hard when you make these words so i’m constatly getting them wrong (look at the thread title “jsut”).

I cna’t write in cursive and i have some of the worst printing ever. It is really makes life difficult in a lot of ways.

Wow, I didn’t know that, I just thought it was a funny word. :wink:

I didn’t know it was that bad, now I think about it, I change my mind. Sorry if I offended you sintax in any way. :slight_smile:


Is it like a genetic disesase? Where it isn’t curable and your basically screwed for the rest of your life? (I hope your cool with this and don’t get offended sintax :))

Think of it like color blindness. It starts at a young age. It is somehting you can work to fix but you can never fully not be rid of it. I used to be way worse but as you get older you find ways to minimize it.

Like how I’m blonde, I just learned to live with it? :stuck_out_tongue:

jsut <-- that’s how I type: I get it wrong every time :wink:

lol…i don’t think blonde makes girls dumb…i have no idea where that got started, but definitely not an insult to me though.