Hey sintax

Haha, I’m sure he would!!!

h88 :bandit:

I don’t get it…?

Hm… well… it’s only 7:30 AM so… and I’ve slept for about 4 hours…

It’ll come to me… :slight_smile:

Check Sintax’s footer and you’ll find out. :slight_smile:

I still don’t get it :stuck_out_tongue:

[SIZE=3]Check Sintax Footer[/SIZE]

Hey funny not thats! Someone maybe else dyslexia has, to make
and fun of it is wrong!

(for those who cant understand that.:

Hey thats not funny! Maybe someone else has dyslexia, and to make fun of it is wrong!



i dont know, what?

Lol Thats funny! =) lol

Ya that is very funny. I just wish ppl didn’t think Dyslexia is all about backwards words. It is defined as word blindness. It is the fact the brain can’t properly define letters in a word. When i type or write sonething I will mix up letters in the word. I have a real problem with small words. My brain always mixes up the letters and I can’t see the problem unless i look hard. Like the word “Maybe” I almost always spell it “Mabye” and i don’t notice the difference until i look closely. I always have to check the spelling of small words because even if I have them spelled right they look funny to me. The funny thing is I can read and comprehend faster then anybody I know. Hope someone finds this useful.:slight_smile:

Eilose i dont get it either…hmmm then again i just cant spell, so it might be that something is spelled wrong? i dont know…