Audio loading problem


I am having a pretty irritating problem with the audio I am using for a Flash game which I am making using Flash 8 and Actionscript 2.0. The game itself is near complete and is already hosted online, it is a simple 2d shooter game where enemies go from one side of the screen to the other and you shoot them. I have built a preloader which works well however I have just added audio to the game, and I am finding that the preloader doesn’t seem to take this audio into account. The game itself loads up and is ready to play, however it could be another 30 seconds or so before the audio will kick in.

I have a main song loop which plays in the background (triggered once the start game button is pressed). A bullet shot sound when the mouse is clicked (triggered through code), and various sound effects that are played on the timelines of the enemy movie clips characters.

Part of my problem is that im implementing the audio in so many different ways and I am confused by the complexities of using audio in Flash. Should I build a separate preloader for the audio? Or am I simply doing something wrong in Flash itself when it comes to including the audio?

I have tried reading tutorials, but I don’t seem to find anything that solves my problem, please help!