Augmented Reality native extension on Android and iOS

We have recently released a new version of our AR ANE which is based on MetaioSDK

download the project here:

here I list some of the latest features:
1- Built on MetaioSDK with AREL support (everything that AREL supports, this extension supports too)
2- Full communication from flash to your AR content and vice versa.
3- Android 32-bit, ANdroid 64-bit, iOS 32-bit and iOS 64-bit support!
4- support 3D models, static and dynamic animated.
5- video playback on textures inside AR
6- Extended tracking
7- GPS geo-base locations
8- touch gestures with AR content
9- Support HTML5 as you AR content
10- you don’t have to know any flash 3D engines! or any OpenGL programming!
11- every thing is controlled through JavaScript API, called AREL
12- 360° Experience

we’d be happy to hear your feedback. it’s free to try…