Automate a chapter list using navigation cue points and the FLV Playback component

If anyone can help with this, that would be great. I am working on creating a template that I will need to use with about 25 different videos. The videos will each be instructional type videos that will correspond with slides and captions using navigation cue points.

I already have the slides and captions working and corresponding to the correct navigation cue points. I would like to be able to create a “chapter listing” that will list all of my navigation cue points using the “title” parameter I added, and seek to that navigation cue point when clicked. These just need to be displayed as text that highlights with a mouse over and could be put inside of a scrollable text box.

I know that I could just make buttons for each cue point on my own using seekToNavCuePoint(), but because I will be applying this to so many videos, it would be great if the chapters could be automated based on the navigation cue point info and parameters.

For each video, each cue point will be named “01”, “02”, “03”, etc. for ease in applying the template.

This is my existing code used for the slide advancement (if that helps at all):

var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
listenerObject.cuePoint = function(eventObject:Object):Void {
        my_ta.text =;
        my_ta._visible = true;;
my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener("cuePoint", listenerObject);

any suggestions would be a great help.