Sorry to bother you but I cannot seem to locate anything on the topic of automatically bookmarking a site on html, or other pages that specifically does what I need.
On the web I have found the java script below which does something very similar to what I desire to accomplish, yet I need to be able to automatically bookmark the site “without prompting” to a “specific folder” in the favorites like the “media” folder.
Can anyone help me modify this script so it would do that?
Thanks immensly, any help would be appretiated.
ps. I’ve had to chop out certain html symbols for the script to show. I’ve done a search and cannot locate how others post their full scripts in boxes. Can anyone point me to the post where it explain how to do this?
script language=“JavaScript”>
var txt = “Bookmark Us!”
var url = this.location;
var who = document.title;
var ver = navigator.appName
var num = parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
if ((ver == “Microsoft Internet Explorer”)&&(num >= 4)) {
document.write(’<A HREF=“javascript:window.external.AddFavorite(url,who);” ‘);
document.write(‘onMouseOver=" window.status=’)
document.write("txt; return true ")
document.write(’“onMouseOut=” window.status=’)
document.write("’ ‘; return true ")
document.write(’">’+ txt + ‘</a>’)
txt += " (Ctrl+D)"
Andrew Miller