I’m trying to get an art gallery sorted. Currently I have a button panel and each click to view the larger file from the thumbnail loads a separate window per thumbnail clicked. I can get the art files to point at the same window no problem and while I can make it resizable I’d ideally like the script to automatically resize the pop-up window to the specifications in the script (currently it just retains the first image thumbnail selected size). I don’t want scrollbars as it defeats the purpose of the varied size of the galleries.
Here’s what I’m using in the actionscript panel on a button;
on (release) {
and the following javascript in the head of the html file that the button panel is in;
function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) {
newWindow=window.open(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures); }
Can anyone offer some ideas on this?
Jason Just