I am using flash 8 professional and I created a button and I am trying to figure out how to have a pop up window open when you click on the button. I want to customize this window so there is no menubars, scrollbars, etc. I also want this window to be non-resizable meaning it’s locked at a certain size. What actionscript do I need to add to this button to get this to work? I am assuming it has something to do with javascript. I am also assuming I have to create a seperate html page with some javascript in it.
I found this code and I attached it to my button but I keep getting an error message.
on (release) {
getURL (“javascript:NewWindow=window.open(‘ShowPopup.php’,‘newWin’,‘width=400,height=300,left=0,top=0,
toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No’); NewWindow.focus();