So, yesterday i was having trouble updating my mcafee. Then i had to restart my comp and i noticed that once i put in my password it took 30 seconds to login, i did soem research on the kirupa forum and found that it could be from overheating. so i turned it off went down stairs for a few hours and watched TV. I came back up and it worked great. When i start up my mcafee asks me for my password, i put it in and it starts my firewall, virus scanner, spam killer, and privacy service(and tells me that its running) But it opens up about to tell me that eerything is working, then turns off. But in the system tray, it was installing the upgrades, but when i hovered over the message that says how much is done showed up behind the tray, so it was at 11% withing 20 seconds, and an hour later it still wasnt done. I go to start-programs, and run every part of my mcafee and it always turns off. I think it could be a trojan, i was downloading stuff last night, but deleted it all to where i extracted it and from my temp folder. After this i restarted my comp, with the update still “installing” telling me it wasnt done yet. I left it on overnight and it still wasnt done. Thats when i pulled the plug. But i restarted my comp in safe mode, scanned, and all i found was some tracking cookies. Any idea as to what could be the problem? :h:
edit: now im pretty sure its a trojan because when theres an icon for my av in my system tray, and i hover over it, it dissapears.
edit: this actually happened after i defragmented my computer. grrr i open my AV home and it opens for like 3 secs then closes. When i get a popup saying theres an update available, i click update and it goes to the site and says “you have chosen to cancel the update” GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR im getting MAD
and everything works nicely and safemode.
so…do you think this is a virus or a problem with my AV?